Global Warming, Pro and contra
Although (according to the feeling) in the temperature fluctuates around we see regularly, but in reality (based on existing data) appeared during the last 50 years is the average temperature in the Earth has been rising rapidly. The main increase in Earth temperature is due to greenhouse gases that, according to some experts the womb caused by the rising gas carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollutant particles in the atmosphere of Earth. Diibaratkan blankets, gas-gas energy will prevent heat dipantulkan back to Earth by space.
To visualize greenhouse gases is very easy. There may be among you who have never felt when I first entered a car that diparkir in hot areas. The temperature in the car will feel more heat than the outside temperature, because heat energy into the car trapped inside and can not exit.
In the normal condition, greenhouse gases are "good" because the Earth will be so warm and can be a place of human life and other living creatures. Without greenhouse gases, the Earth is not exposed to the sun will be very cold as the freezer in your freezer (-18C). History terbentuknya to Earth can be inhabited by humans, such as at this time is not actually separated from the 'services' greenhouse effect. So in fact the greenhouse gases that have been there since times of yore as the process terbentuknya Earth.
Conditions will not be good if the actual gas-greenhouse gases in the atmosphere of Earth Day has been increasing. Why is that? because with the increasing gas-greenhouse gases, the more heat the Earth, there will be a result of this melting ice in the polar region that could drown some of the land and human beings live on land other lives.
Greenhouse gases at this time that many experts disalahkan by a bearer global warming is the issue of CO2 gas in the atmosphere. While some other experts argued that the actual amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is not significant enough to be a "scapegoat" global warming because the amount of only 0:04%. In addition, experts also said that all the gas in the atmosphere are greenhouse gases, without exception where the composition is nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%) and moisture (up to 3%). Nah lo, I become dizzy? Relax, do not need a headache ...
Then, if that causes increased carbon dioxide and pollutant particles in the atmosphere? The biggest contribution is in fact resulting from the use of fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil Earth. The three types of fuel is the most affordable at this time when compared with other energy sources. Pemakaiannya even from year to year continue to increase in a very meaningful tercetusnya after the industrial revolution. Moreover, if we often experience bottlenecks everywhere due to the number of motor vehicles and "take" the increase. Factory / industry that grows everywhere to meet the consumption patterns of modern society that the day has been increasing. But this also was denied by some experts. According to them, the contribution from the use of fossil fuels worldwide increase in the amount of CO2 is only 0013% (not the little?). Wah seru deh so until more here ...
Pro and contra keep going, but in line with the Kyoto Protocol (1997), Some of the developed countries agreed to reduce the amount of CO2 gas emissions by reducing fossil fuel usage as much as 30% in 10 years. Therefore at this time some developed countries / industries have been trying to develop methods and technologies in order to take advantage of sources of alternative energy (more) environmentally friendly, particularly the energy source terbarukan.
What is renewable energy? Renewable energy is the opposite of the word energy is not terbarukan (also a small child so I know that). So here, renewable energy is energy that can be used continuously without the need to worry the source of energy will be exhausted. Opponent is saying no terbarukan energy that is energy that is used if the ongoing akan out at a certain time. So clear is it now? What are examples of renewable energy? many, such as wind energy, solar, geothermal, water, and biomassa (derived from plantation crops, agriculture, forestry, waste, and livestock).
In fact, it is natural in nature, due to the interaction between sea and air (such as the TNI aja ya?), The amount of heat energy in the atmosphere and the sea surface can be controlled by the global conveyor belt mechanism. What is the global conveyor belt? Global conveyor belt circulation is a global role in transferring (moving) energy from a hot place to another through the flow of air and sea water. Patterns in the earth's climate is governed by this mechanism.
One thing to remember is that the 'fear' and expert analysis will be part of the global warming during this new result is based solely on numerical models that are not 'genuine' data compared with observation. In addition, most models used at this time is far from perfect in formulating the complex mechanisms that indeed occur in the Earth.
Indeed, global warming are happening and will continue, as well as greenhouse gases. Mencairnya ice since that time any ice continues as the temperature changes of the earth since the ice is first formed, the sea surface also continues to increase (which is known by the term sea level rise). Cycle continues as it will not happen and avoided. Some experts claim that the phenomenon is still a fairness that should occur and unnecessary ditakutkan, while other experts-as I write the above-stated that over the last 50 years this "speed" of this phenomenon and the increased be at the level of "extremely worrying", meaning that if a "worrying time" is not immediately muted, then to the front of the human civilization will have a serious problem.
So indeed there is no one to make a positive action. At least, by reducing CO2 emissions and reduce the use of fossil fuels and alternative energy to try and terbarukan friendly environment, will make the Earth a little net of pollutant that has made people choke and teracuni paru-parunya. Especially for Indonesia, which currently are on the level of pollution which he said is quite dangerous for the health of the population.